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Organiser Guide – Creating products for sale

  1. On the home page, select the “More” heading and in the drop down select “Vendor Registration”. 

2. Fill out your registration details and click “Register”. Then wait for the admin to approve your vendor registration.

3. Once your vendor registration has been approved, you will see a new menu option in your organiser dashboard called “Vendor Dashboard”. Click this to go to the vendor dashboard.

4. This is your vendor dashboard where you can find your products, sales values and information on who has purchased your products. Please go to the “Profile” tab and fill out your information.

5. After filling out your profile information, please go to “Store Settings”.

6. In your store settings fill out all the information. YOU MUST provide an email that is linked to a PayPal account to be paid for the products you are selling. The account linked to the PayPal email will receive payouts each time someone purchases one of your products. Payouts are made daily but can take up to 3 working days to enter your PayPal Account.

Commission is set at 100% meaning you get all the money from your sales. However, there are card fees charged by the payment gateway and so these will be deducted before the money is sent to your PayPal account.

The transaction fees are 1.5% plus a £0.25 fixed fee per transaction.

7. Go to the products tab and select “Add new product” at the top of the page.

8. Input your product details.

9. Set the price for your product.

MAKE SURE that you only use “Simple Product” otherwise your product will not appear properly in your listings.

You can limit the number of items available by setting the supply in “Inventory”

10. Almost all products will be “Virtual”, please select this otherwise the system will try and add shipping fees and inventory numbers. You do not need to select downloadable.

11. Upload a product image.

12. Select which product category best matches your product.

13. Go to the Publish panel and press “Submit for Review”. Now wait for the admin to approve your product.

14. In the products page, your product will show as pending until it has been approved by the admin.

15. You will receive an email informing you that you product has been approved. On the products page, you can now select “view” to see how your product page is looking.

16. Your product page will look something like this.

17. Now go to your listings and edit the listing you wish to add a product to. In this example we are adding an entry fee to a competition.

18. Select Competition Entry on the left hand navigation. Note this will be called something slightly different for each listing type. For example, in Holiday listings this is called Purchase Holiday.

19. Now select a product from the drop down menu.

20. Once you have selected your product for the listing, save the changes.

21. Now navigate to your listing page by clicking the listing icon title.

22. In the top menu bar of your listing you will now see a purchase option is available called “Enter Competition” (this will be named differently in other listing types). Select this option.

23. You will now be able to see the different products that you have for sale on your listing.

Products need to be linked to listings or they will not be visible to site users, so remember to go into your listing and add each product relevant to your listing. Happy Selling.


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