The Doubles Championship and Plate will run from Saturday 5th July to Monday 7th July, and therefore players entering only Doubles events will not be required beyond then.
The Singles Championship and Plate will run from Tuesday 8th July to Sunday 13th July, and therefore players entering only Singles events will not be required before then. Some early Singles games may be played (AMD) on Monday 7th July if players are available.
Hours of Play. Regualtion P4a applies, but with an expected start time of 10am each day (which may be varied in accordance with M1c).
Attention is drawn to Approved Laws Variations in Regulation L, in particular in relation to Super-Advanced and Alternate Stroke Doubles.
Lateness: Regulation M2d applies
Excellent lunches and teas are available at the club and tournament players and their guests are encouraged to take up the 'Full Board' option by requesting lunch when choosing their options in the Tournament Entry System and indicating guests in TES.
Full board includes a two-course lunch and afternoon tea. Please state in TES if you have any special dietary requirements. Vegetarians and vegans can be catered for but not allergies with significant medical implications.
Allocation Method
By Highest 12-month Dynamic Grade
Competition Format
Burridge Swiss, leading to Best-of-3 Knockout of at least 16 players, which may be Best-of-5 in later stages, AMD. The right is reserved to change the Qualifying Swiss to another format (such as blocks) or knockout size in the event of a small entry.
Entry Price
£142 General Entry, £100 CqE Member (50% Under 25 Discount)
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