Croquet Away has been created for the benefit of all croquet players worldwide. The website is free to use for both players and organisers, just create an account and start finding new croquet events around the world. There are two types of accounts; player and organiser. If you want to enter competitions, find croquet holidays or croquet experiences, sign up as a player. If you are running an event and want to promote it to the world wide croquet community on Croquet Away, then sign up as an organiser and list your event for free.
Each month we will pick the top new events listed on the website and feature them on the homepage and include them in a monthly email newsletter so you can stay up to date with all the events happening around the world.
Currently it is difficult to find out about competitions happening in different parts of the world as each governing body manages their own events and does not necessarily publicise them outside of their membership. Croquet Away brings together all the governing croquet bodies of the world and allows them to list their event, plus organisers can take payments directly through this website for entries via card or PayPal making it easier than ever for players to enter competitions around the world.
This website also allows people to find holidays and experiences, as well as competitions. If you are a holiday organiser or hotel, you too can list your event on Croquet Away to get more visibility and have players pay and sign up directly through the website.
Under the Places listing type, clubs, hotels and any other croquet venue can list themselves on the site to let people around the world know about their club. If all clubs can create a listing then the Croquet Away website will have the first international register of croquet clubs worldwide! So the next time you are travelling across Europe and fancy a knock about, just check the explore page to see what clubs you might be near. Their contact will be on their page and away you go.
I hope you all enjoy using this website and let me know if you think there could be any improvements!
Thanks, Duncan 🙂