From the home page, go to the top right and press register. 2. If you are a player and looking for competitions and holidays to attend, select the Player profile. If you are an organiser looking to create a listing for a club, competition or holiday, select organiser. Now fill in your details and start […]
On the home page, select the “More” heading and in the drop down select “Vendor Registration”. 2. Fill out your registration details and click “Register”. Then wait for the admin to approve your vendor registration. 3. Once your vendor registration has been approved, you will see a new menu option in your organiser dashboard called […]
From the home page, go to the top right and press register. 2. Select the Organiser option and fill in your details 3. Now that you have signed in you can select add listing in the top right of the screen. 4. Now select which type of listing category you are creating. In this example […]
Croquet Away has been created for the benefit of all croquet players worldwide. The website is free to use for both players and organisers, just create an account and start finding new croquet events around the world. There are two types of accounts; player and organiser. If you want to enter competitions, find croquet holidays […]